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Adding StumbleUpon to your Posts.

In this post, I will tell you how to place 3 things which are StumbleUpon, DiggIt and button to all your posts easily. The steps discuss here is only useful for new blogger.

As usual, before we edit anything in our blog, we need to login to our Blogger account. Then, go to the "Template" tab and go to "Edit HTML". Remember to click the "Expand Widget Template".

Now, you need to find the line in the HTML code as below:

The number "3" above is different numbering for different blogs. So, when you see the code "post-footer-line...", paste the codes as stated below.

Then, add the code below. Copy and paste the code below.

Here is the code:
After adding the codes above, save your template and done. That will add the 3 most popular social bookmarking site to all posts of your blog'.


Anonymous said...

I don't follow how I am suppose to add this code to my blog. When I find the code am I suppose to erase it with the code you are providing. Could really use more clarification.


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